Authoring a Plugin ================== NixOps plugins extend NixOps core to support additional hosting providers and resource types. Some example plugins include: - - - - - This guide is light on the details, and intends to describe just the supported hooks and integration process. Packaging with Poetry and poetry2nix ------------------------------------ NixOps and its plugins are packaged as standard Python applications. Most packages will use `Poetry `_ and `poetry2nix `_ for packaging with Nix. Note: NixOps is formatted with ``black`` and strictly typechecked with ``mypy``. Your project should follow these guidelines as well, and use a mypy configuration at least as strict as the NixOps mypy configuration. First, create a ``pyproject.toml`` (see `PEP-0517 `_ to describe your project. We do not use, and trying to use both a ```` and ``pyproject.toml`` may cause confusing build errors. Only use a ``pyproject.toml``: .. code-block:: toml [tool.poetry] name = "nixops_neatcloud" version = "1.0" description = "NixOps plugin for NeatCloud" authors = ["Your Name "] license = "MIT" include = [ "nixops_neatcloud/nix/*.nix" ] [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.7" nixops = {git = "", rev = "master"} [] mypy = "^0.770" black = "^19.10b0" [tool.poetry.plugins."nixops"] neatcloud = "nixops_neatcloud.plugin" [build-system] requires = ["poetry>=0.12"] build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api" Important Notes *************** 1. If you have a ````, delete it now. 2. If your plugin is named ``nixops_neatcloud``, the source directory must be named ``nixops_neatcloud``. 3. If your source directory was named ``nixopsneatcloud``, please rename it to ``nixops_neatcloud``. 4. Older style plugins used to store the Nix expressions in a directory named ``nix`` next to the python plugin directory, like this:: . ├── nix │   └── default.nix └── nixops_neatcloud    ├──    └── plugins must now put the nix expressions underneat the plugin's python directory:: . └── nixops_neatcloud ├── nix │   └── default.nix    ├──    └── and the nixexprs hook function which looked like this: .. code-block:: python @nixops.plugins.hookimpl def nixexprs(): expr_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../../../share/nix/nixops-vbox") if not os.path.exists(expr_path): expr_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../../../../share/nix/nixops-vbox") if not os.path.exists(expr_path): expr_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../nix" return [ expr_path ] can now look like this: .. code-block:: python from nixops.plugins import Plugin class NeatCloudPlugin(Plugin): @staticmethod def nixexprs(): return [ os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/nix" ] 5. Resource subclasses must now work with Python objects instead of XML This old-style ResourceDefinition subclass: .. code-block:: python class NeatCloudMachineDefinition(nixops.resources.ResourceDefinition): def __init__(self, xml): super().__init__(xml) self.store_keys_on_machine = ( xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='storeKeysOnMachine']/bool").get("value") == "true" ) Should now look like: .. code-block:: python class NeatCloudMachineOptions(nixops.resources.ResourceOptions): storeKeysOnMachine: bool class NeatCloudMachineDefinition(nixops.resources.ResourceDefinition): config: MachineOptions store_keys_on_machine: bool def __init__(self, name: str, config: nixops.resources.ResourceEval): super().__init__(name, config) self.store_keys_on_machine = config.storeKeysOnMachine ``ResourceEval`` is an immutable ``typing.Mapping`` implementation. Also note that ``ResourceEval`` has turned Nix lists into Python tuples, dictionaries into ResourceEval objects and so on. ``typing.Tuple`` cannot be used as it's fixed-size, use ``typing.Sequence`` instead. ``ResourceOptions`` is an immutable object that provides type validation both with ``mypy`` _and_ at runtime. Any attributes which are not explicitly typed are passed through as-is. On with Poetry ************** Now create your first ``poetry.lock`` file with ``poetry lock``:: nixops_neatcloud$ nix-shell -p poetry [nix-shell:nixops_neatcloud]$ poetry lock Creating virtualenv nixops_neatcloud-FrXThxiS-py3.7 in ~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs Updating dependencies Resolving dependencies... (2.1s) Writing lock file Exit the Nix shell, and create the supporting Nix files. Create a ``default.nix``: .. code-block:: nix { pkgs ? import {} }: let overrides = import ./overrides.nix { inherit pkgs; }; in pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryApplication { projectDir = ./.; overrides = pkgs.poetry2nix.overrides.withDefaults overrides; } And a minimal ``overrides.nix``: .. code-block:: nix { pkgs }: self: super: { nixops = super.nixops.overridePythonAttrs({ nativeBuildInputs ? [], ... }: { format = "pyproject"; nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ [ self.poetry ]; }); } and finally, a ``shell.nix``: .. code-block:: nix { pkgs ? import {} }: let overrides = import ./overrides.nix { inherit pkgs; }; in pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ (pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv { projectDir = ./.; overrides = pkgs.poetry2nix.overrides.withDefaults overrides; }) pkgs.poetry ]; } Now you can enter a Nix and Poetry shell to develop on your plugin:: nixops_neatcloud$ nix-shell [nix-shell:nixops_neatcloud]$ poetry install [nix-shell:nixops_neatcloud]$ poetry shell Note: ``install`` is making a virtual environment, and does not install anything in the traditional sense. Create an empty file at ``nixops_neatcloud/``, and then you'll be able to list plugins and see your plugin: Now you can list plugins and see your plugin is installed:: (nixops_neatcloud-FrXThxiS-py3.7) nixops_neatcloud$ nixops list-plugins +-------------------+ | Installed Plugins | +-------------------+ | neatcloud | +-------------------+ At this point, you can develop your plugin from within this shell, running ``nixops`` and ``mypy nixops_neatcloud``./ Plug-in Loading --------------- NixOps uses `Pluggy `_ to discover and load plugins. The glue which hooks things together is in ``pyproject.toml``: .. code-block:: toml [tool.poetry.plugins."nixops"] neatcloud = "nixops_neatcloud.plugin" NixOps implements a handful of hooks which your plugin can integrate with. See ``nixops/plugins/`` for a complete list. Defining a plugin ----------------- To define a plugin you need to inherit from the `Plugin` base class and return it in the appropriate plugin hook: .. code-block:: python from nixops.plugins import Plugin import nixops.plugins class NeatCloudPlugin(Plugin): @staticmethod def nixexprs(): return [ ] # List of paths to nix expressions @nixops.plugins.hookimpl def plugin(): return NeatCloudPlugin() Developing NixOps and a plugin at the same time ----------------------------------------------- In this case you want a mutable copy of NixOps and your plugin. Since we are developing the plugin like any other Python program, we can specify a relative path to NixOps's source in the pyproject.toml: .. code-block:: toml nixops = { path = "../nixops" } Then run `poetry lock; poetry install; poetry shell` like normal. Troubleshooting --------------- If you run in to trouble, you might try deleting some things:: $ rm -rf nixops_neatcloud.egg-info pip-wheel-metadata/ Building a dependency fails --------------------------- First, run your ``nix-shell`` or ``nix-build`` with ``--keep-going`` and then again with ``--jobs 1`` to isolate the cause. The first run will build everything it can complete, and the second one will build only one derivation and then fail:: nixops_neatcloud$ nix-shell -j1 --keep-going these derivations will be built: /nix/store/3s2a0hky73b24m4yppd7581c9w2clpnb-python3.7-nixops-1.8.0.drv /nix/store/bv6gwayic2xxx3pd489d4gbs03kafxsd-python3-3.7.6-env.drv building '/nix/store/3s2a0hky73b24m4yppd7581c9w2clpnb-python3.7-nixops-1.8.0.drv'... [...] Traceback (most recent call last): File "nix_run_setup", line 8, in exec(compile(getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__).read().replace('\\r\\n', '\\n'), __file__, 'exec')) File "/nix/store/n8nviwmllwqv0fjsar8v8k8gjap1vhcw-python3-3.7.6/lib/python3.7/", line 447, in open buffer = _builtin_open(filename, 'rb') FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '' builder for '/nix/store/3s2a0hky73b24m4yppd7581c9w2clpnb-python3.7-nixops-1.8.0.drv' failed with exit code 1 cannot build derivation '/nix/store/bv6gwayic2xxx3pd489d4gbs03kafxsd-python3-3.7.6-env.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built error: build of '/nix/store/bv6gwayic2xxx3pd489d4gbs03kafxsd-python3-3.7.6-env.drv' failed If a dependency is missing, add the dependency to your ``pyproject.toml``, and add an override like the Toml example for Zipp. Zipp can't find toml ******************** Add zipp to your ``overrides.nix``, providing toml explicitly: .. code-block:: nix { pkgs }: self: super: { zipp = super.zipp.overridePythonAttrs({ propagatedBuildInputs ? [], ... } : { propagatedBuildInputs = propagatedBuildInputs ++ [ self.toml ]; }); } FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '' ****************************************************************** This dependency needs to be built in the ``pyproject`` format, which means it will also need poetry as a dependency. Add this to your ``overrides.nix``: .. code-block:: nix package-name = super.package-name.overridePythonAttrs({ nativeBuildInputs ? [], ... }: { format = "pyproject"; nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ [ self.poetry ]; });